
Hello y'all,

     It's been a little while since I last wrote you, but I've been trying to fully think through what I want to say. I want to talk about forgiveness. When people do me wrong, I find it very hard to forgive them and the more I hold onto that anger and hurt the more pain I cause myself. It has taken me a while to realize just how much I was hurting myself. So I decided to let it go. To start fresh and it feels so unbelievably amazing. 
     Just a few weeks ago I thought it was impossible for me to ever forgive the people who hurt me. I was convinced that I would always hate them and that the things they did to me would stay with me forever. But today I am free. I am free from all that pain that I have kept inside. I have allowed myself to move on. 
     Im not saying that I will ever forget it though. I have learned many lessons from the pain people have inflicted onto me and although I have forgiven them I have not forgotten. I will forever remember how they treated me and I will never allow somebody to do that to me again. 
     One of the people who had hurt me tried to get in contact with me many times since our fall out. She apologized and it was heartfelt and I 100 percent appreciated that, but I still found it hard. In fact, I found it annoying because every time I saw her name pop up on my phone I could feel all that pain that she put me through, like I was back in that moment. I repeatedly told her to leave me alone and never talk to me again, but she persisted. After the most recent message I received from her I took some time and thought about it in depth and I decided to forgive her. Ever since I sent those three words I have felt so happy. Like a weight had lifted off my shoulders. 
     I'm not sure what else I can say about this topic at the moment as I am still learning about it, so I'll end with this. " Let go the grudges of yesterday and hold onto the hope of tomorrow." 

                                                     ~ Skylar

P.S. I have gotten recognition for the posts on my blog. From sharing my story and giving advice about very serious things, but I am feeling obligated to only write about these serious things. I just want to say that I aim going to also write about fun things that I enjoy, because I not only want to bring awareness with my blog but I want to have fun with it. Thank you for your understanding and support. I love you all.


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